Feeling Good About How You Look

Jan 17, 2018

It doesn’t matter who you are – there is no shame in being you!

Of course, we don’t always get that message since we live in a world that can be quite superficial at times. Further, every one of us is constantly bombarded—especially in the Internet Age—with pictures and videos of celebrities and pseudo-celebrities who seem to have perfect bodies. It can seem as though there’s no escaping it!

Well, we want to let you in on a little secret – you can feel good about who you are and how you look, even if you don’t have a perfect body.

(Here’s a second little secret – there’s no such thing as a perfect body!)

When you look in the mirror, you cannot control what you see. All you can control is your attitude toward the person looking back at you. And it’s time to love that person unconditionally!

The fact of the matter is that everyone—even the celebrities—has things about their body they hope no one notices. At the same time, though, we all have areas that are exceptional. Since we cannot choose the hand we’re dealt, we have to choose where we place our focus. To have a positive self-image, you need to make the choice to focus on those exceptional areas.

Person Lying Out in the Pool

Sure, you might not have six-pack abs, but perhaps your smile can light up a room. Or you may feel embarrassed by your arms, but you have great skin. Own your strengths!

At the same time, you can still have a positive attitude about your body while taking measures to improve the things you can improve. Whereas this is important for feeling awesome about yourself, it’s also vital for your health and wellbeing.

Even better, you’ll find that common issues causing poor self-esteem (excessive weight, weakness, lack of tone and definition, etc.) start to disappear when you make healthy lifestyle choices.

Loving your body means caring for your body, after all.

Now, you might not think a podiatric practice can really do much to help you with your body image, but it’s time to think again! To start, some of our foot and ankle services are essential for relieving pain and restoring function so you can burn extra calories, shed unwanted weight, and start to tone up your muscles (which, in turn, boosts your metabolism and burns fat).

Some people are ashamed of their toenails, particularly when a fungal nail infection has taken place. Our laser treatment services eradicate toenail fungus and restore your nails back to their clear, healthy selves (once the new, fungal-free nail tissue grows back in). After treatment, you will feel comfortable wearing sandals and open-toed shoes again in the spring and summer seasons.

We think you are pretty great the way you are, and we hope you do too! Remember, a humble truth about humanity is that we all have room for improvement, and making some simple, basic lifestyle choices will help you move in that direction. If we can help, we’d love to do so!

Contact HFAA today for information on foot care services that can help you look and feel your best. Call us at (309) 661-9975 and request an appointment today!